Want More Clients To Book You? Here's How...


Listen, I get it…

You want to be booking more client calls through your social media but at the moment it feels like a long hard S L O G

You are overwhelmed

Your approach to selling is random and you often struggle to know what to post

Selling in the current climate feels awkward AF

You feel stuck - you've tried everything you can think of but you don't yet have a steady stream of enquires in your DMs

You find social media time-consuming - you know its a good idea to be more "visible" online but you don't know where to start or what to say

Am I right? Am I getting close?

I speak to business owners in your position all. the. time. and lemmie tell you, all is not lost…

Want more clients to book you? Make sure you're doing these 5 things every week…

Want More Clients To Book You? Here's 5 things you need to be doing every week. - Sara Dalrymple

Here are 5 things you can do EVERY WEEK, to book more clients!

1: Be clear in your content about what you're here to do

Ask yourself…

  • Who are your clients what is their vibe? And what kind of content do you need to create to connect with them?

  •  What are the top ways you can help them?

  •  What are the things you get asked about the most?

  •  Why is now the time your clients need you?

  •  What is your favourite thing about what you do?

There’s a TON of content ideas for you in there, that will help you grow that know, like and trust factor with your followers - which is the gateway to the sales you’re looking for.


  • Share valuable FREE content regularly such as timesavers and top tips

  • Connect and engage on a platform where your target audience hang out.

  • Create connections that feel good and share other women’s wins too.

Show up! consistently. share expertise, start conversations, show your audience you care.


Make it super clear when your audience gets to the end of your social post/ reel /blog what you want them to do next.

Every piece of content needs a clear signpost at the end to engage your reader further.

Do you want them to sign up for something? Head to a resources page? Comment below?

Make it clear and easy to understand and they will thank you.


I know I know, I can feel you shrinking in your seat from here.

But I promise letting your audience see that beautiful knowledgeable face of yours, full of enthusiasm for your niche is a NO 1 tip that will allow them to feel comfortable with you super quickly and engage them further into your world.

Your audience want to connect with YOU. Get to know you. So get visible!

Which leads me nicely into my final tip …


Instagram is full of people trying to be like everyone else and all it does is create a sea of the same. That's boring. Don't be boring!

If you’ve watered down your personality by doing what everyone else is doing, you are just making it harder for people to distinguish between the options available to them.

By showing up as your individual, uniquely passionate self and not watering down your personality you stand out to your clients and they will remember you, which in my book is ALWAYS a good thing.

Sara Dalrymple