6 ways to keep your energy up during a launch


Launching takes a lot out of you. It’s one of the most exciting parts of running your own business: seeing your new product or service come to life, and customers rushing to snap it up.

But if you’re launching over a long period of time (let’s say more than a week), it can be tough to keep your energy levels up. Showing up on socials with a big smile on your face day in day out can be draining - even if you absolutely love your work. The secret to keeping your energy levels sky-high during a launch? Plan everything out well in advance. Let’s walk through 6 steps to keeping that passion and excitement up.  



1. Plan in advance

Sorry to start off on a boring note, but it’s for good reason! Planning your launch a couple of months in advance allows you to schedule in your play as well as your work. You’ll know exactly what needs to be done when, so there’ll be no last-minute dashing around creating social media templates. There’s nothing more energy-sucking than stressing. During the actual launch period itself, make sure you’re sticking to your planning - and that means respecting your work-life balance, too. Schedule in enough downtime walks in nature, and a bit of exercise here and there to stimulate your creativity and burn off some launch jitters. 


2. Schedule in some work-free fun

Launching is exciting, but if you don’t prioritise relaxation, you’ll be heading for burnout. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of “it’s just one busy day/ week/ month/ year”... What are the activities that really fill up your cup? I’m not talking slumping on the couch watching Netflix - I want to know what makes you feel re-energised and raring to go. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I’m happiest on the dance floor. I’m not necessarily advising you go for a night on the town during your launch (save that for after!), but DEFINITELY get yourself a high vibe playlist to listen to! If you’d like a copy of mine drop me a note and I’ll send it to you! Or, if you like a bit of rest and relaxation, treat yourself to a massage during your launch. Or, if you’re like me, do both!! 


3. Give your mindset some TLC

You’ve probably seen that quote popping up on Instagram from time to time: “she believed she could, so she did.” Cheesy I know, but it’s true. A launch can be tricky because it’s somewhere between a marathon and a sprint, which means it’s not always easy to keep your energy sky-high for the entire duration. Working on your mindset well in advance will give you a step up because you’ll be less affected when things don’t go your way. A day with zero sales, an unsuccessful sales call - they happen to the best of us. It’s important that you don’t let those setbacks deflate you: those people weren’t meant to be your customers right now anyway! Shake it off and remember that you’ve created something really great, and the right people will come your way. Just keep going!  


4. Know your strengths - and your weaknesses

Do you know what you’re really good at? Maybe you’re a sales call superstar - or maybe you create top-notch content. When it comes to launching, it also helps to know what you’re not so great at. Is time management your nemesis? Perhaps you know you’re a little rubbish at posting on socials. Identifying your weaker spots will help you plan in more time for those tasks, helping you avoid stress, which is one of the biggest energy-drainers of them all. Knowing you’ve got ample time to get everything done will take a weight off your shoulders and leave you free to maintain those high vibes. 

5. Lean on your support network

However much you love the services you’ve created, launching is tough. There are always tricky days where you’re tempted to throw in the towel, and it helps to talk it through with someone who’s been there. If you can, reach out to people you know who also run a small business. If you’re not already, consider joining one of the many fabulous communities out there for female entrepreneurs and freelancers. It’s nice to chat to a trusted friend or family member after a tough day, but there's nothing like someone who's actually launched something themselves recently if you need a pick-me-up pep talk. 


6. Work with your own personal cheerleader

Speaking of pick-me-up pep talks, if you really want to smash your launch but feel a bit apprehensive about the whole selling malarkey, it might be time to work with a sales expert. Selling doesn't come naturally to everyone, until they’ve found what works for them! After all, selling comes down to telling someone about an amazing product or service you’ve got to offer. You're not forcing them to buy it (!) - you’re just letting them know it’s out there if they need it. If you want to keep that all-important energy high during your launch period, a sales coach can help you refine your skills whilst acting as your own personal cheerleader. Think supportive voice notes and emails, pep-talks and reminders of how just great you are. If you’re interested in hearing more about how working with a sales coach like me could help your business, why don't we have a chat?

Book in here for a 30 minute initial chat, and we’ll speak soon!

Love Sara xo

Sara Dalrymple